2. Continuous Integration

This page describes how to build Spoofax languages on a Jenkins buildfarm or using an alternative platform such as GitHub Actions.

Full continuous integration includes:

  • Building the language on the buildfarm
  • Running SPT tests as part of the build
  • Publishing an eclipse updatesite for the language
  • Doing the above on every commit, and on every spoofax-master update

Setting up continuous integration is a two step process. The first step is to setup a local maven build for building the language, running the tests and creating an update site. The second step is configuring Jenkins to perform these maven builds and publish the artifacts.

2.1. Local Maven Build

Follow the guide for getting a local Maven build going first.

2.2. Build on Jenkins

(Note: can be skipped in GitHub organizations MetaBorg and MetaBorgCube)

New Item > enter a name and choose Multibranch Pipeline

Add the git repo Branch Sources > Add source > Git. Fill in project repository such as https://github.com/MetaBorgCube/metaborg-entity.git, select credentials, and save.

You should now get a message saying that the repository has branch but does not meet the criteria, as the Jenkinsfile is not setup yet.

2.3. Jenkins configuration

Create the file Jenkinsfile in the root of the repository containing (be sure to update the update site path, and to change the slack integration channel or comment out the slack integration):

      threshold: hudson.model.Result.SUCCESS,
      upstreamProjects: '/metaborg/spoofax-releng/master' // build this project after Spoofax-master is built
  buildDiscarder(logRotator(artifactNumToKeepStr: '3')),
  disableConcurrentBuilds() //disableds parallel builds


    stage('Checkout') {
      checkout scm
      sh "git clean -fXd"

    stage('Build and Test') {
        //mavenLocalRepo: "${env.JENKINS_HOME}/m2repos/${env.EXECUTOR_NUMBER}", //http://yellowgrass.org/issue/SpoofaxWithCore/173
        mavenLocalRepo: ".repository",
        mavenOpts: '-Xmx1G -Xms1G -Xss16m'
        sh 'mvn -B -U clean verify -DforceContextQualifier=\$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M)'

    stage('Archive') {
        artifacts: 'yourlanguagename.eclipse.site/target/site/',
        excludes: null,
        onlyIfSuccessful: true

    stage('Cleanup') {
      sh "git clean -fXd"


  } catch (e) {

    throw e


def notifyBuild(String buildStatus) {
  def message = """${buildStatus}: ${env.JOB_NAME} [${env.BUILD_NUMBER}] ${env.BUILD_URL}"""

  if (buildStatus == 'Succeeded') {
    color = 'good'
  } else if (buildStatus == 'Failed') {
    color = 'danger'
  } else {
    color = '#4183C4' // Slack blue

  slackSend (color: color, message: message, channel: '#some-slack-channel')

Go to the Jenkins project > Branch Indexing > Run now. This should trigger the build of the master branch.

2.4. Trigger Jenkins on commit

(Note: can be skipped in GitHub organizations MetaBorg and MetaBorgCube)

In order to trigger Jenkins to build on every commit we need to install a GitHub service. In the GitHub repository go to Settings > Integrations & services > Add service > Jenkins (Git plugin) (not GitHub plugin) and provide the jenkins url (for example http://buildfarm.metaborg.org/ )

2.5. Build badge on GitHub

For a GitHub build-badge add the following the the readme file:

[![Build status](http://buildfarm.metaborg.org/job/Entity/job/master/badge/icon)](http://buildfarm.metaborg.org/job/Entity/job/master/)

TODO: figure out how to use Promoted Builds to promote spoofax-master only if language build succeeds.

2.6. CI using GitHub Actions

Using GitHub Actions is an alternative to Jenkins for setting up CI using Maven. Enable it by adding the file .github/workflows/ci.yml to your repository with the following contents:

name: CI

on: [push]


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    container: maven:3.5.4-jdk-8

    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: Maven build
      run: mvn clean verify

This configures your repository with a CI workflow that runs the build on every push. Publishing the language is not included in this configuration.

See the Spoofax definition of MiniZinc for an example (config and actions).

Similar to Jenkins, you can add a build status badge by adding the following to the readme file:

![Build status](https://github.com/namespace/project/workflows/CI/badge.svg)